Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Western Colorado trip by Melissa


We headed West with Brad's parents and brother - and spent a couple nights in Ouray. Had a great time hiking, looking at waterfalls, seeing the beautiful scenery and the guys did some major flyfishing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Uncle David is here! by Melissa


Uncle David finally got here from California! He is staying with us for a week and a half. Ben was so excited to see him! Uncle David also brought Ben a present: Edward the No. 2 Engine. Ben decided he wanted to sleep with him tonight...

Here, I asked Ben to "do something silly":

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fun Summer Day by Melissa


"Grammy and Grandpy" (Cousin Owen and Gavin's grandparents) invited us over to their house for some fun. We got to swim in their pool and then had a BBQ. Ben tried green beans (a miracle since he won't touch anything that's green) and even roasted a marshmallow for the first time!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Birthday Bash by Melissa


Ben was invited to a birthday party at Tiny Town! Jackson, his friend from daycare, turned 3. Ben, Jackson and Luke (another friend from daycare) were inseparable and had a great time playing together as well as eating pizza and cake and riding the train!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

A Crafty Weekend by Melissa


It was a busy weekend doing some projects around the house!

We repainted the dining room set, recovered the dining room chairs, (started to) paint the basement, finished the crown molding and made pillows for the living room. Whew! Ben was such a good helper!

Friday, July 6, 2007

My Jumping Jack by Melissa


Ben discovered a new activity - possibly from his Cousins in New Mexico?? :) ...jumping from the stairs!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July by Melissa


Daddy went to the store to buy a couple sparklers and snaps but came home with a huge bag of fireworks! We had fun!!! Thanks Daddy!

A Trip to Albuquerque by Melissa


We took a short trip to visit Aunt Kim, Uncle Dave, Cousin Alex and Cousin Andy this weekend. Had SO MUCH FUN! Ben loved playing with his cousins (and created a new game - Squish Ball!!), we celebrated Cousin Alex's 11th birthday with a cool party...and we went to tons of neat places: a duck pond (and even spotted a hopping toad!), the aquarium, a giant play garden and miniature golf.

My Buddy Gavin...by Melissa


Ben and Cousin Gavin are only 6 months apart and have a great time playing together. At Cousin Owen's birthday party, they were busy with bikes, balls and trains! I know they will remain close friends...although they are bound to cause lots of trouble!

Owen's Bday Party! by Melissa


Cousin Owen celebrated his 5th birthday with a fun party! We played Farmer in the Dell, opened presents, played with balls, bikes & scooters, ate lunch, and had cake & ice cream too!

Happy Birthday Owen!!