Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Latest Project

After watching too many decorating shows, I decided to paint our living room wall. Looks easy but that ceiling was really high!

Aunt Cathy and the Slide

The Great Easter Egg Hunt

"Grammy and Grandpy" (Cousin Owen and Gavin's grandparents) invited us over for Easter today. The Easter bunny had a neat easter egg hunt with lots of toys. We also rode bikes, played soccer and went to the park. What fun!

Johnson Family Dinner

On Saturday night, Ben got to see his Great Grandparents as well as his Aunt and Uncle from Kansas!

A fun visit with G'ma and G'pa

Grandma and Grandpa came for a week-long visit. We celebrated Easter with MANY easter egg hunts, colored easter eggs, decorated cookies as well as practiced our fishing.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Choo choo!

Mommy has lots of boxes so we decided to turn some into trains - here is Ben in his train costume.

Winter Fun

We love to go sledding at this small hill near our house. Ben goes down all by himself - usually backward or on his stomach. Such a daredevil.

Ben also made his first snowman! We didn't have a carrot for the nose or coal for the eyes so we had to improvise (yes, those are cheetos!)

Easter Time!

We had fun coloring easter eggs last weekend!