Saturday, February 2, 2008

My first trip to the ER

We had our first “emergency” situation with Ben. In quotes because Mommy and Daddy thought it was worse than it was.

Ben was riding a bike at daycare, hit a rock and flew over the handlebars. He got a bloody nose and mouth and also got a deep cut in his forehead. Daycare called my work and said “there is blood everywhere” and that he would need stitches. The daycare director said she didn’t even recognize Ben because he was covered in blood. Which, of course, freaked me out!

So Brad picked him up and I met them at an urgent care center. I was expecting the worst, but when I walked in – Ben smiled and said “Hi Mommy!” He acted like nothing had happened! And they didn’t even have to do stitches – they just “glued” his forehead back together and he is fine.

I have a feeling this is not our last trip to the hospital...

Here is Ben with his new car for being a brave boy: