Friday, June 22, 2007

Flies & Lies by Brad

This week Rick and I headed up to Bear Creek for a quick after work trout hunt. Bear Creek is a perfect after work spot given it's only 10 minutes from home and always seems to hit really well and this year has been no exception. Last year we fished Bear Creek pretty heavy given it consistantly hit and hit hard.

Bear Creek is located between the Town of Morrison and Evergreen along Hwy 74. It is a fairly small creek but is filled with a few pools and a lot of pocket water that hides decent sized browns.

We hit the first turn off and headed down to the water. The bugs were in full hatch and swarming like crazy. Mainly mosquitos and caddis flies. Unfortunately the fish were not rising but I did see one fish surface feed just before we called it quits. The water was running pretty high and fast which may have kept the fish from coming up and hiding in slower water.

Rick tied on a dark mosquito pattern and I opted for a pink egg pattern. The first cast out and bang! The fish were definately liking the egg. On about the 5th or 6th cast I hooked my first of the season. A tiny 6 inch brown (sorry no pic, too excited about my first of the year). After that my luck ran out but had too many bites to count. I quickly reeled in and headed for Rick to let him know he needed to switch flies. Rick did not have any luck dry flying with the mosquito and quickly tied on a pink egg as well. It did not take long and he was getting strikes left and right as well.

High fast water.

Rick fishin a nice pool behind a rock.

After about an hour of fishing the first turn off we headed for the next spot up the road. This turn off is much smaller and tougher to fish but can net a bit fish or two. The water is channeled into a very tight rocky canyon as it make a turn and heads south. The water here is deep and always fast. Getting into the canyon is tough and fishing with a long rod can be challenging to get the right cast. The bushed along the river were very thick.

Where did Rick go?

The canyon.

Rick fishing the canyon.
All in all it was a good trip. Catching fish close to home is alwasy great. Looks like Bear Creek will be at the top of the list again this year and hopefully our Wednesday evening fishing trips will become a weekly norm. Some guys like to play cards, some like to bowl, I like to fish on my mans' night out.